Sunday, June 26, 2005


Why The Ravenous Bookworm?

Books are a passion of mine. Rarely do I not have several different books on the go at one time; some for professional reasons, some for pleasure, some just for the challenge, some because they are not politically correct.

Translations of religious texts are of special interest. Aspects of the translators craft intrigue me so among the books on the go there are theoretical books on the topic. Readability of the target text seems to be assumed in the literature; if the translator has followed the rules then the resultant text will be readable. The combination of translated religious texts and theur readability has been neglected in preference to other issues such as accuracy, whatever that means.

In subsequent blog entries I'll indulge myself by writing about books that are on the go (or that have gone). Occasionally mixing in some commented on readability of those translated religious text. The latter will probably be more than occasional and then mostly about Bible translation.

If you drop by once in a while and find some of interest then please comment.

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